How to Use Personalization to Increase E-commerce Email Conversions

How to Use Personalization to Increase E-commerce Email Conversions

Personalized emails are one of the most powerful tools for e-commerce marketers. By leveraging customer data such as purchase history and online behavior, you can create highly relevant emails that resonate with your audience, boost engagement, and drive

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to Email Personalization
  2. Why Personalization Matters in E-commerce
  3. Essential Data for Personalization
  4. Purchase History
  5. Browsing Behavior
  6. Demographic Information
  7. Customer Preferences
  8. Top Strategies for Personalizing E-commerce Emails
  9. Personalized Product Recommendations
  10. Dynamic Content Based on User Segmentation
  11. Behavior-Triggered Emails
  12. Birthdays and Anniversaries
  13. Location-Based Personalization
  14. Using Personalization in Email Automation
  15. How to Measure the Impact of Personalization on Conversions
  16. Tools to Help Implement Personalization
  17. Conclusion

Introduction to Email Personalization

In today’s crowded digital marketplace, generic, one-size-fits-all emails no longer cut through the noise. Customers expect emails tailored to their preferences, interests, and behavior. Research from Statista shows that personalized email campaigns deliver 6 times higher transaction rates than non-personalized campaigns. For e-commerce brands, mastering personalization can translate into higher engagement, loyalty, and—most importantly—increased conversions.

In this guide, we’ll explore how e-commerce businesses can leverage data to personalize their email marketing campaigns and significantly boost conversions.

Why Personalization Matters in E-commerce

Personalization allows you to send the right message to the right person at the right time. Instead of sending generic promotions to your entire list, personalized emails offer more relevant content that speaks directly to individual customers’ needs.

Key Benefits of Email Personalization:

  1. Improved open and click-through rates: Emails with personalized subject lines are 26% more likely to be opened, according to Campaign Monitor.
  2. Increased conversion rates: Personalized emails can drive higher engagement and sales by recommending products that customers are genuinely interested in.
  3. Enhanced customer experience: When emails feel more personal, customers are more likely to trust your brand and stay loyal.
  4. Better customer retention: By consistently offering personalized content, you can build long-term relationships with customers, encouraging repeat purchases.

Essential Data for Personalization

To effectively personalize your emails, you need to collect and leverage key customer data. This data serves as the foundation for crafting personalized messages that are tailored to individual preferences and behaviors.

Purchase History

What It Is: Information about a customer’s past purchases, including what products they’ve bought and when.

How to Use It: Use purchase history to recommend complementary products, send targeted offers, or remind customers to reorder frequently bought items.

Example: “You recently bought these sneakers. Complete the look with matching socks!”

Browsing Behavior

What It Is: Data about what products a customer has viewed, added to their cart, or clicked on but didn’t purchase.

How to Use It: Send reminder emails or offer discounts on products they showed interest in but didn’t buy.

Example: “Still thinking about the jacket you viewed? It’s waiting for you! Get 10% off today.”

Demographic Information

What It Is: Data about the customer’s age, gender, and location, which helps segment your audience into more personalized groups.

How to Use It: Send targeted emails based on demographic-specific preferences, such as promoting a women’s clothing sale to female subscribers or highlighting a local event based on location.

Example: “Exclusive women’s collection—shop now and enjoy free shipping in your area!”

Customer Preferences

What It Is: Information gathered through surveys, preference centers, or purchase history that tells you what types of products or categories a customer is interested in.

How to Use It: Offer tailored product recommendations and personalized offers that match customer preferences.

Example: “We noticed you love electronics—check out the latest gadgets just for you!”

Top Strategies for Personalizing E-commerce Emails

Personalization doesn’t stop at using a customer’s first name in an email. To truly engage your audience, you need to implement advanced personalization techniques that go deeper into their behavior and preferences.

Personalized Product Recommendations

Product recommendations based on previous purchases or browsing history are a highly effective way to increase conversions. These emails suggest products that are relevant to individual customers, making it easier for them to find what they’re looking for.

Best Practices: - Use algorithms to recommend products based on past purchases or similar customer preferences. - Include a "Customers Also Bought" or "Recommended For You" section in your emails.

Example: “Based on your recent purchase, we think you’ll love these items too.”

Learn more about product recommendation strategies from Klaviyo.

Dynamic Content Based on User Segmentation

Segment your email list based on customer demographics, behavior, and preferences to create emails that feel personalized for each segment.

Best Practices: - Use dynamic content to change parts of your email based on the recipient’s profile, such as featuring different products for men and women or changing the CTA for different customer segments. - Combine segmentation with behavioral triggers for maximum relevance.

Example: “Hey John, here are some accessories for your recent purchase of hiking boots” vs. “Hey Jane, you’ll love these summer sandals.”

Behavior-Triggered Emails

Behavioral data, such as a customer’s interactions with your website or previous emails, can trigger highly relevant emails. Examples of behavior-triggered emails include: - **Cart abandonment emails: Remind customers of the items they left behind and encourage them to complete the purchase. - Post-purchase emails**: Send thank-you emails or request product reviews after a customer makes a purchase.

Best Practices: - Send follow-up emails with [personalized product suggestions](new-sms-capabilities-across-europe-apac.html) based on browsing history or cart content. - Include dynamic discounts or incentives to encourage purchase completion.

Example: “Don’t forget—your cart is waiting! Complete your purchase and get free shipping.”

Birthdays and Anniversaries

Everyone loves a birthday surprise! Sending personalized birthday emails with special offers or discounts can delight your customers and drive conversions.

Best Practices: - Send personalized birthday greetings with a special discount or offer. - Consider celebrating customer anniversaries, such as the one-year mark of their first purchase.

Example: “Happy Birthday, Sarah! Celebrate with 20% off your next order.”

See birthday email examples from Omnisend.

Location-Based Personalization

Personalizing emails based on a customer’s location can be highly effective, especially for e-commerce stores that offer region-specific promotions, events, or shipping options.

Best Practices: - Use geolocation data to send targeted promotions to customers in specific regions. - Offer location-specific deals, such as free shipping for local customers or special offers during local events.

Example: “Special Offer for Our New York Customers—Enjoy Free Shipping All Week!”

Using Personalization in Email Automation

Email automation allows you to take personalization to the next level by setting up automated workflows that deliver tailored messages at just the right time. Here are some key workflows that benefit from personalization:

  • Welcome series: Customize your welcome emails by recommending products based on the customer’s browsing history or preferences.
  • Post-purchase follow-ups: After a purchase, send personalized recommendations for complementary products or ask for a review of the product they bought.
  • Win-back campaigns: Target lapsed customers with personalized offers or product recommendations based on their past purchases.

Example: A customer who bought a camera might receive an automated email offering recommendations for lenses, tripods, or camera bags.

How to Measure the Impact of Personalization on Conversions

Once you’ve implemented personalization strategies, it’s essential to measure their impact on your overall email marketing performance. Here are the key metrics to track:

  • Open rate: Do personalized subject lines increase the likelihood of recipients opening your emails?
  • Click-through rate (CTR): Are customers clicking through personalized recommendations more than generic content?
  • Conversion rate: Are personalized emails driving more sales compared to non-personalized ones?
  • Revenue per email: Track how much revenue each email generates, particularly those that are personalized.

Example: By comparing open rates and conversion rates of personalized vs. non-personalized campaigns, you can quantify the impact of personalization on your bottom line.

Tools to Help Implement Personalization

Several email marketing platforms offer advanced personalization tools that make it easy to deliver customized content to your subscribers:

  1. Klaviyo: A leading email marketing tool for e-commerce, Klaviyo offers powerful personalization features based on customer behavior, purchase history, and more.
    Visit Klaviyo

  2. Mailchimp: Mailchimp provides segmentation and personalization features that allow you to tailor your content based on a variety of customer data points.
    Visit Mailchimp

  3. Omnisend: Focuses on e-commerce, offering dynamic content and behavior-triggered email personalization features.
    Visit Omnisend


Personalization is no longer a “nice-to-have” in e-commerce email marketing—it’s a must. By leveraging customer data such as purchase history, browsing behavior, and demographic information, you can craft highly relevant, personalized emails that resonate with your audience and drive more conversions.

Start by collecting and utilizing key customer data, then implement strategies such as personalized product recommendations, dynamic content, and behavior-triggered emails. With the right tools and techniques, personalization can help you increase engagement, build customer loyalty, and boost your e-commerce revenue.

For more resources, check out: - Klaviyo’s guide to personalization in email marketing - Mailchimp’s tips for email personalization