5 Brands That Found Success After Canceling Mailchimp

5 Brands That Found Success After Canceling Mailchimp

Explore how five successful brands improved their digital marketing efforts after canceling Mailchimp. Learn from their experiences and discover alternative strategies and tools that can lead to better results for your e-commerce business.

In the competitive world of e-commerce and digital businesses, finding the right marketing tools can make or break your ability to connect with customers effectively. While Mailchimp is a well-established platform in email marketing, it doesn't fit the needs of every brand, especially as they scale and evolve. In this article, we explore how five successful e-commerce brands managed to improve their digital marketing efforts after deciding to transition away from Mailchimp. These case studies not only provide inspiration but also offer practical insights and alternative strategies for digital business founders and owners looking to enhance their digital marketing toolkit.

Table of Contents

  1. Hedley & Bennett: Precision Over Simplicity
  2. Club L London: Integrating More Than Data
  3. Stone Brewing: Crystal Clear Attribution
  4. Parts Avatar: From Segmentation to Success
  5. Pinter: Scaling with Personalization
  6. Conclusion
  7. Further Reading & Resources

1. Hedley & Bennett: Precision Over Simplicity

Challenge: As a brand specializing in premium culinary aprons and gear, Hedley & Bennett needed a marketing solution that could handle their expanding product line and an increasingly diverse audience. Mailchimp’s surface-level segmentation wasn’t cutting it for their intricate marketing needs.

Solution: In 2018, Hedley & Bennett transitioned to Klaviyo, seeking more robust options for audience segmentation and integration with SMS. Through Klaviyo, they could create dynamic and intricate customer segments, such as new shoppers versus loyal clients, which allowed for more targeted and timely messaging.

Results: The switch enabled them to launch effective campaigns, such as a detailed waitlist for a new product release that garnered over 4,000 sign-ups in just two weeks. These targeted efforts resulted in visible boosts in revenue, particularly after SMS campaigns. The real-time updating of segments and the simplicity in creating them with Klaviyo's AI allowed for quick pivots and adjustments (Klaviyo, 2023).

2. Club L London: Integrating More Than Data

Challenge: As costs associated with customer acquisition through social advertising increased, Club L London sought to minimize dependency on third-party sites and focus more on owned marketing channels.

Solution: By adopting Klaviyo, Club L effectively exploited its comprehensive ecommerce integrations allowing them to transform subscriber data, including rewards and loyalty information, into personalized email and SMS marketing efforts.

Results: A year later, Club L had augmented the revenue generated from email and SMS marketing to nearly a third of their total income. This was driven mainly by newly effective flows such as onboarding series and abandoned cart campaigns. The integration of real-time consumer behavior allowed them to engage customers with relevant offers based on browsing history, resulting in improved customer interaction and conversion rates (Klaviyo, 2023).

3. Stone Brewing: Crystal Clear Attribution

Challenge: With a complex structure spanning multiple taprooms and online sales channels, Stone Brewing needed an efficient way to track performance metrics across different venues and determine revenue origins effectively.

Solution: Migration to Klaviyo allowed them to integrate their restaurant and retail platforms, gaining granular insight into their customer interactions and performance data from online and offline channels alike.

Results: The transition resulted in a remarkable 62.8% year-over-year growth in revenue from Klaviyo-driven initiatives. This leap was facilitated by clear attribution analytics that let Stone Brewing see exactly which campaigns were driving conversions and allowed them to optimize accordingly (Klaviyo, 2023).

4. Parts Avatar: From Segmentation to Success

Challenge: Canada's leading auto parts supplier, Parts Avatar, found Mailchimp's manual and time-lagging segmentation processes cumbersome, resulting in inefficiencies that hindered responsive marketing strategies.

Solution: Switching to Klaviyo, Parts Avatar could leverage sophisticated, automated segmentation and utilize first-party and third-party data seamlessly for personalized email marketing.

Results: With the new capabilities, Parts Avatar saw increased efficiency and effectiveness in their marketing operations. Their ability to forecast customer lifetime value (CLV) led them to focus efforts on segments with higher expected returns, enhancing overall revenue growth and customer satisfaction (Klaviyo, 2023).

5. Pinter: Scaling with Personalization

Challenge: For Pinter, a UK-based company endeavoring to revolutionize home brewing, Mailchimp's data processing limitations constrained their ability to leverage customer insights for marketing personalization.

Solution: By centralizing customer data within Klaviyo, Pinter could easily integrate various data points from store transactions, app interactions, and customer feedback mechanisms to enhance their marketing efforts.

Results: Their personalized campaigns achieved a subscription rate of nearly 60% and an app download rate exceeding 65%. By tailoring welcome flows and targeted product alerts based on user interactions, Pinter managed to attribute a significant 36% of its revenue to Klaviyo-enabled email and SMS marketing campaigns (Klaviyo, 2023).


The journey of these five brands highlights how crucial it can be to evaluate and choose marketing tools that truly align with your business needs and growth trajectory. While Mailchimp offers extensive abilities that suit many businesses well, these examples demonstrate that substantial gains are achievable when businesses reassess their current limitations and switch to platforms better suited for their evolving needs. For founders and owners of digital businesses, these insights present an excellent opportunity to reevaluate your marketing strategies and consider alternatives that might seem daunting but can yield significant dividends.

Understanding your brand's unique needs and objectives is the first step towards selecting the most effective tools in your digital marketing arsenal. Diving into the granularities of your customer data, prioritizing personalized touchpoints, and leveraging advanced segmentation are potent strategies that can lead to better engagement, reduced churn, and increased revenue.

Further Reading & Resources

These resources offer deeper insight into the transition from Mailchimp to other viable platforms, as well as broader strategies in email marketing for digital business leaders.